1. Do not impersonate Webmasters,Moderators Administrators,Super Moderator, Global Moderator, Super Administrator Global administrators,Tester basically dont impersonate anyone.
2. Do not Swear
3. Do not hack
4. Dot spam(dont quote too much, Dont use more than 5 emoticons.)
5. No multi accounts(Or we will ban both of your accounts)
6. Don't ask to be a part of the staff, Or we will ban you
I will add more so anybody who breaks these rules will be expecting a ban this is a strict RPG.
1. Do not impersonate Webmasters,Moderators Administrators,Super Moderator, Global Moderator, Super Administrator Global administrators,Tester basically dont impersonate anyone.
2. Do not Swear
3. Do not hack
4. Dot spam(dont quote too much, Dont use more than 5 emoticons.)
5. No multi accounts(Or we will ban both of your accounts)
6. Don't ask to be a part of the staff, Or we will ban you
I will add more so anybody who breaks these rules will be expecting a ban this is a strict forum.